
Archive for June 6, 2012

It is amazing to think that they actually have taken the solar power and harnessed it to power a plane.  Now it is still a ways away because, as you can see in the photos, the plane does not look like it can fit any more than 1 person.  That does make it a little impractical.  In addition to poor seating options the plane itself is slower than a commercial flight.  So unless you are willing you would probably still opt for the commercial flight and arrive at your destination 10x faster than with a solar-powered plane.


Great innovation but not quite there yet.



Categories: General, World News Tags: ,

Categories: General

It would make common sense if the court found who caused the contamination and then charged them to clean it up plus all adjacent areas affected by their negligence. This just seems to be an issue that it is too much work as it does not make any sense of what was done to what should have been done. I think most would agree.

Categories: General

This really does seem like a no brainer for President Obama. If they wish to delay and not allow people to work in their dire market then it should be no worry to us if we can get our act together and get something done for the Asia market. They pay more, need more and are willing to move ahead.

Categories: General

I have noticed something over time recently and this article sparked my attention.  I can see that we do not save enough, but it is really difficult when cost of living is high.  Now if I look at my family I can see area of where we can save money.  So we can cut out the following items: television, Home Phone and that is it.  There is not much that can be cut from our monthly bills because heating, hydro, water, insurance(home, life and auto), fuel cost for vehicles take a percentage of the pay.  Then with what is left over I could be stricter with my spending cash.  With these bills costing more and more each year it is difficult to save for a down payment and is why I think the future holds us cohabitating with family members in a house.


I have noticed this trend with immigrant families where they may have a brother and sister each having their spouse and kids with them and in addition their parents.  This way you have increased your household income to not just be based on 2 people but potentially 3-6 people. The additional income assists those to have a better life in providing more disposable cash.   You may think that this can get tight or cumbersome but considering in Canada we seem to have a high ratio to personal space to resident throughout the country.  Meaning that in most homes it is just 2 adults, no matter what the size of the place.  Consider where immigrants have come from and the amount of personal space you receive in your residence there.  If you were to move in to a home in Canada it could easily seem like a mansion to what you had before.


Not only do they better prepare a safety net for their shared home but they also seem to have a better  consideration for the family unit.  It tends to extend much further than just them and their spouse.  If a member needs help there is someone within the community to help out.  Has it been too long for us Canadians that we feel so cold to each other and find it easier to not physically interact with each other?  You can see evidence of this by watching how many heads are down when walking along a major street in the downtown area or the fact that a Thank You is rarely heard when a door is held open for another member of society.  When did we become so callous?


I guess this has come about from the great Social Network we have addicted ourselves to.  We justify it as a satisfactory interaction with friends and family and consider it “Live” chat, but there is no detailed interaction between the 2 individuals.  There is a couple of sentences typed, pause, and then, ta-da, a response.  I can also be one to blame as I am a fan of this communication.  It enables you to have no focus at all on the conversation with a specific person, you can always review what the last digital communications were, and you can have multiple at the same time.  No longer do we need to try to keep a persons attention.  Keeping attention is even difficult when in person because at some point they will look at their phone and respond to some line one of their other friends just sent them.


There is something that is getting lost in our society, I feel. Others may say it is our society evolving, but is it something we should want to evolve to?

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